Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ancient Egyptian Symbols for Protection and Prosperity


The Egyptian ankh was a symbol of life, or eternal life, and has recently become the national symbol of modern day Egypt in their efforts to expand their tourist trade. The Ankh is also said to mean the Key of life, or the Key of the Nile, as it is often depicted by Egyptians Kings as if they are holding the Ankh as a key

symbols for protection
Egyptian Ankh

Egyptian Scarab Beetle
Egyptian Eye

Egyptian Lotus Flower

Egyptian Mau Cats
Egyptian Bennu Birds 
  Egyptian Asp Snake

Herschel's list of lost symbols - References and notes:

The interpretations of symbols as seen here in most cases oppose interpretations made by scholars, or add more valuable insight. The symbols listed are also explored in detail, some with links and others with book reference pages to the new interpretations made some time in 1998 before Wayne's book release, The Hidden Records in 2002. It was not too long after Wayne deciphered the basic layout code of the Egyptian pyramids when he began seeing the lost meaning of symbols of ancient Egypt that made more sense with his new hypothesis. His new interpretations simply takes seriously what the ancients said about their star 'god' visitors, who they are and where they come from. It was also achieved simply by matching forgotten symbols for Taurus. The meaning of 'the Leg of the bull' followed, and it was found to accurately represent stars that at last were actually in the star area of Taurus the bull! Scholars a century ago insisted that it was the Big Dipper! Wayne is almost certain this was a strong Masonic influence to take the interest away from 'their' secret. Not long after these star pattern discoveries of the ancient's two most important constellations were clear, many other lost symbols were sequentially falling into place and therefore finally deciphered.

In many ways Wayne became a symbologist, or more appropriately, a symbolism 'expert' focusing more on forbidden or very sacred symbols. Generally speaking he became a symbologist long before becoming an author, setting a new path ahead with the sequential deciphering of more and more valuable lost symbols and forgotten paranormal events of the ancients. His path would inevitably begin to follow in the direction of secret society once he realised the ancient kings appear to have wanted to keep their star knowledge 'hidden' and encoded - hence the ideal name for his book - The Hidden Records.

He began in 2001 to explore the Templars and Freemason mysteries, shortly after being told by an influential Freemason that he had 'stumbled upon' and very fairly, revived their deepest most sacred and forgotten star knowledge. In 2002 he found the ultimate lost symbol... the lost symbol of Solomon, and the biggest shock of all - that it was the same secret of The Christ as seen at the bottom of his list of new interpretations simulated on parchment.

The Sun and Sunlike star symbols have a unique story on their own, starting from Wayne's full Egyptian pyramid layout discovery. He discovered that all the Pyramids of Egypt represent bright stars in one full sky representation of the brightest stars along the edge of the Milky Way. He found that only one monument, the ultimate Egyptian monument (now lost) - a giant gold topped obelisk correlated with the only Sun-like star in the star map representation. The two symbols are also explored on page 120 - The Hidden Records.

The moon and world crescent explored on Crescent and Cross seen at

The leg of the bull - discovered on a coffin lid in Egypt as seen on the home page of The Hidden Records and partly explored at Sun-like stars.

The Ankh, the Djed and All-seeing Eye symbols are explored in the topic Angels and The Tree of Life articles with new detail that is well reasoned and referenced, but more importantly with a spiritual secret that makes this human origin star secret look trivial.

Both Sumerian and Egyptian winged discs are seen with their meaning revealed half way down the main page at the Key of Solomon web page.

Sumerian Pleiades stars and Crescent - examples seen here.

The Sumerian Tree of Life at

As seen on the US One dollar bill All-seeing Eye - The Creation. See also the meaning of the One dollar bill, the pillars, Blazing star and the obelisk

3 5 7 1 Star location code secret to find the sacred star in the sky.

The Pentacles the Baphomet and the human blue print code. It is important to see the difference between the signs of good and evil because the symbols are different mainy due to geometry. The Templars were victims of their own symbol confusion here when the Pope used this 'excuse' to have the Templars burned at the stake for the appearance of venerating evil!

The Key of Solomon - 'Lost symbol' Orion stars - The talisman.

Watch this space for part two on the hidden records of lost ancient symbols...


The Hidden Records

The Key of Solomon

Oneism - Tree of Life

Birgitt Lederer Online

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