Saturday, May 16, 2015

Celtic and other Ancient forms of Symbolisms

Symbols of Celtic Love Magic and Zodiac Astrology
Celtic Symbols and Ancient Symbols and Symbolism - A Magic Language of Love and Strength
Celtic Symbols of love and strength, the Ancient Symbols — there is a secret language that most of us recognize, but in which few are fluent — the language of symbols. Symbols surround us in many formats, shapes, sizes, and appearances, forming an inextricable part of our daily lives, yet unlike our spoken languages, a schooling in symbolism is left to the individual initiative. Even in religious teaching, symbols are presented as emblems of belonging and on a deeper level represent much more than mere historical artifacts one wears to identify with one's faith. Celtic Symbols and Meanings of Ancient Irish and Norse based signs, sigils and love symbols, witchcraft symbols, and symbols of love are ancient symbols of magic and the zodiac, often used as symbols of strength, power and family unity.

Symbols - Representations - Correspondences
Animal Symbols, Astrology Symbols, Celtic Symbols, Zodiac and Horoscope, Love Signs, and other Magic Symbols, Emblems, Glyphs, and Tattoo designs we take for granted today as static signs of religious or secular life were created long ago and through modern Iconography have been revealed as representations of our world — our universe — the movements of earth and heaven, symbols of the seasons, and representations of cosmic and earthly deities. Over time, these ancient symbols have acquired layers of increasingly complex meaning, and this evolution of meaning tells us much about how we developed our ideas about the nature of life and the universe. Signs used in modern magick and Western religious traditions such as the Celtic symbols, zodiac symbols, Egyptian symbols, tattoo symbols, dream symbols, kanji symbols, religious symbols, love symbols, ancient symbols, mystic signs and symbols, Greek symbols, Irish symbols and their symbol meanings, share a common ancestry that dates before the creation of writing. These symbols are powerful because they are archetypal — as even cultures that do not share language share an innate understanding of symbols just as the ancient Celts did.
Rare Old Celtic SymbolWe've just opened up an exciting new archive of ancient and rare Celtic symbols and meanings from the mysteries of the Druids. Great new full-color images of Celtic signs, symbols and sigils:
Symbols of Magick and Astrology
Ancient Symbols of Magic, Astrology, the Horoscope, Zodiac, and Alchemy are based on a common symbolic 'alphabet,' composites created from smaller symbols. Knowing how to recognize these smaller units will allow you to decipher many of the larger symbols whenever you encounter them. Knowing the secret system behind these symbols can provide an incredible amount of insight into even the most inscrutable signs.
The following magic symbols are the ones most widely used during the European revival of the "Old Religion," witchcraft or Wicca, in the spells of that era. There have been numerous additions to and subtractions from the list over the years, but for the sake of authenticity, the following symbols are a fair representation.
Magick Symbols
The Sigil, Sigils, Siglia, or Sigla
Magic symbols are often referred to as sigils. The word sigil stems from the Latin sigilum meaning seal. Sigils or Siglia or sigla are symbols that have been created for a specific magickal purpose and are used to form a glyph, composed of a variety of symbols or concepts which carry intent and inherent iconic meaning. Through iconography, emblems, symbols, and the symbolism of tattoos, the ankh, glyphs, and the Sigilia common in Jewish mysticism and Kabbalistic magic have been, for the most part, successfully decoded.

The Goat of Mendes
First associated erroneously with Satanism in the 1960's, the Goat of Mendes, Mendes Pentacle, or Sabbatic Goat symbol was inaccurately attributed to the 19th century occultist, Elipas Levi. The Goat of Mendes symbol is often confused with Levi's depiction of the Templar icon Baphomet, which was never presented as a symbol of evil, but of harmony, redemption, and union with the divine. Nevertheless, the two are confused so often it is almost impossible to separate them. The name Goat of Mendes comes from a connection Levi made between the Templar Baphomet, the Goat of the witch's Sabbat (as depicted in popular art), and the Egyptian god Ammon of Mendes, Egypt, which Levi believed had been an emblem of fertility and sexual freedom. Later, it was determined that Levi's connection was wrong — Ammon was represented by a ram, not a goat — but the confusion remains to this day.
In 1966, a simplified version of the Goat of Mendes symbol was adopted as the icon of Anton Lavey's Church of Satan and the emblem is now often referred to a the Judas Goat by modern Satanists.

Common Symbols of Magic
The following symbols are commonly used in the practice of magic. At the end of the images there are additional links to other pages of symbols.

Air The triangle pointing upward signified the element of fire during the Middle Ages. With the addition of a horizontal line, it became the most common sign for the element of air.
Alchemy This symbol is an ideogram from the 17th century, CE, that came to represent the art of alchemy and the influence of Pythagorean geometry mysticism. The symbol also represents the four elements combined with water as the small inner circle, earth as the square, fire as the triangle, and air as the outer circle.
All Seeing Eye (1)
All Seeing Eye (1) This symbol first appeared in the west during the 17th and 18th centuries, CE, but representations of an all-seeing eye can be traced back to Egyptian mythology and the Eye of Horus. 17th century depictions of the Eye of Providence sometimes show it surrounded by clouds. The later addition of an enclosing triangle is usually seen as a trinitarian reference to the God of Christianity.
All Seeing Eye (2)
All Seeing Eye (2) The All-Seeing Eye of Providence also appears as part of the iconography of the Freemasons where it represents the all-seeing eye of God, and as such, a reminder that a Mason's deeds are always observed by God, referred to in Masonry as the Grand Architect of the Universe.
Angel Angels in magic are classed as Elementals. The picture above is of an Archangel, the class of elementals that governs the realm of lesser elementals or nature spirits such as Fairies, Elves, Devas, Brownies, Leprechauns, Gnomes, Sprites, and Pixies as well as many others. Winged lesser elementals or nature spirits are almost always pictured with butterfly-looking wings while Archangels are typically depicted as having feathered, bird wings.
Ankh The Ankh is an ancient Egyptian staff sign or god staff symbol or glyph that also functioned as a hieroglyph to symbolize reproduction, sexual union, life, and the zest for life. For more on the Ankh, please visit our Ankh Page.
Arrow The arrow sign, one of the oldest and most common of ideograms, has been discovered in prehistoric caves and engraved on rocks in the Sahara. An arrow sign indicates movement. The arrow is also an ideogram representing the male sex.
Athame The primary tool of the Witch, the Athame is traditionally a knife with a straight double blade and a black handle suitable for carving. The Athame is used in salutes to gods, goddesses and the Ancient Ones, and for a variety of other purposes.
Bat bats are frequently associated with death and rebirth. An upside down hanging position, such as the bat assumes when roosting, is seen as symbolic for learning to transpose one's former self into a newborn being. Thus the bat's appearance may signify the need for transformations, for letting go of old habits or ways of life and adopting new ones. Bat shows how change is necessary although it can be painful to let go of the past. As an animal of night and the dark it can also guide people through the darkness of confusion and help them face their fears. It is sometimes said to grant the gift of clear hearing and of 'listening between the lines'.
Besom or Broom
Besom or Broom The Besom, or Broom, plays a symbolic role in Wiccan practice. Derived from European witchcraft folklore of broom dancing and flying, the broom is used today for symbolic cleansing or purification. A typical besom ritual uses the broom to "sweep" negative energy from a home or other space. The besom/broom is also a focal point in Wiccan handfasting marriages, where it acts as a stand-in threshold, which newlyweds jump to cement their vows and ensure many children.
Blair Witch
Blair Witch A five-pointed compound symbol with a center triangel (see below) pointing down. The five lines resemble the microcosmic man with arms and legs outstretched inside a circle (with a pentagram in the background)-- a magic symbol or charm among medieval alchemists and wizards.
Blessing Moon
Blessing Moon The Blessing Moon refers to the blessings of the sacred marriages of earth and sky, or dark and light, or the King and Queen of summer.
Boline The Boline or Bolline is a small, sickle shaped knife used to gather herbs used in rituals and spells. The sickle shaped knife can be traced to Druid mistletoe customs, and is a lunar tool. In some traditions this bladed instrument is called a kerfan, after the traditional dagger.
Butterfly Butterflies symbolize witches and fairies, but also the souls of witches. Butterflies and witches have the ability to change their form — butterflies change in the course of their development — witches allegedly can change at will. Some people who view the butterfly as the soul of a witch believe that, if they can find her body and turn it around while she is asleep, the soul will not be able to find her mouth and reenter, and the witch will probably die. This concept of the soul may serve to explain why many medieval angels have butterfly wings rather than those of a bird.
Cauldron The Cauldron is the symbol which allows shape changing with the birth of a child. The Cauldron is under the power of the Earth goddess Ceredwen. She is the goddess of transformation. In the cauldron, divine knowledge and inspiration are brewed.
Cernunnos Cernunnos is the mysterious, horned deity that was worshipped by Iron-Age Celts across Europe until the end of the first century. Little is known about Cernunnos except his name and his image, which appears on many stone carvings and other artifacts throughout Europe. He appears crowned with stag's antlers, is often seated in a meditative position, and is almost always depicted with images of wild animals. Cernunnos is a Roman name meaning "horned one." He is often associated with Herne the hunter, a character of British folk myth, and the "Green man" of European architecture. Roman invaders associated Cernunnos with the god Mercury. His appearance was eventually adapted as the Christian Devil's.
Circle The circle symbolizes infinity, perfection, completeness, wholeness, the circle of life and the eternal unknown. The area in which magickal worship and spells takes place. Also be used to designate a particular group of Witches or Pagans such as "Carven Rock Circle". A circle in your dream foretells that you will have fabulous luck in securing your fortune and happiness.
Circle with Dot
Circle with Dot Circle with inner dot represents the sun. The symbol for the sun is an image of spiritual wholeness, with a focal point for the meaning of life. The sun rules the sign of Leo.
Circle - Quartered
Circle - Quartered This symbol is rarely used in magical work, but its meaning should not be overlooked. Our global home is often represented with a cross circumscribed by a circle: matter surrounded by spirit.
cowCow The cow represents the fructifying power in nature — the Divine Mother or feminine principle. Among the Scandinavians that which first appeared at the birth of the universe was the divine cosmic cow, Audhumla, from whom flowed four streams of milk, providing sustenance to all the beings that followed. In esoteric philosophy the cow is the symbol of creative nature, and the Bull (her calf) the spirit which vivifies her, or the Holy Spirit.
Crescent Moon
crescent moonCrescent Moon The crescent moon is a symbol of the Goddess. The crescent moon can be either waxing (going towards the full moon), or waning (going towards the new moon). The waxing moon is great for doing magickal workings that have to do with growth, creativity, etc. The waning moon is for the opposite, for example, banishing negativity. The crescent moon also symbolizes two of the aspects of the Goddess. The waxing moon symbolizes the maiden, and the waning moon symbolizes the crone.
crossCross A universal symbol from the most remote times, it is a cosmic symbol par excellence. The cross traces its origin to a sun-symbol, a Babylonian sun-symbol, an astrological Babylonian-Assyrian and heathen sun-symbol, also in the form of an encircled cross referred to as a solar wheel, and many other varieties of crosses. Also, the cross represents the Tree of Life, the age-old fertility symbol, combining the vertical male and horizontal female principles, especially in Egypt, either as an ordinary cross, or better known in the form of the crus ansata, the Egyptian ankh — sometimes called the Tau cross — which had been carried over as our modern-day biological symbol of the female.
Crystal Ball
crystal ballCrystal Ball The sphere as a shape is an ancient and universal symbol that represents unity, completeness, infinity, and the whole universe. Crystal spheres are often used to increase self-awareness and a powerful mind. Closely connected to the spiritual nature of our complete self.
cupCup In divination, the cup represents rebirth, mystery, magic, divination, fertility, sexuality, new beginning, and prophecy. In magick, the cup is used in spells and rituals concerning fertility, easing childbirth, to aid in divination and magic, and enhancing psychic abilities.
Double Headed Eagle
double headed eagleDouble Headed Eagle The eagle is a sign of Scorpio, and an emblem of transformation — the lowly, crawling scorpion remade into the soaring creature of air. Alchemically, the eagle was a symbol of purified sulfur, and was used in alchemical images to portray the ascending spirit. The double heads are often emblematic of the reconciliation of matter and spirit. The double-headed eagle is reserved as the emblem of completion, for it signifies the Philosopher’s Stone, the ultimate soul condition, and that absolute and transcendent perfection which arises only from the fullest unfoldment of the individual's dorment potential.
dragonDragon A dragon symbolizes many different things depending on the culture. It is a symbol of power, courage, strength, and strong will. In medieval times dragons were said to be used by kings to guard sacred treasures in caves. Only the one who slayed the dragon could obtain the treasures he protected. Dragons were said to be so protective of the treasures that even the king could not reclaim his treasure unless he slayed the dragon. In Japanese culture the dragon is said to be a symbol of supernatual powers. With incredible strength and a hidden wisdom. Ancient Japanese culture believed the only way to journey past a dragon was to answer its riddles.
Dream catcher
dreamcatcherDream catcher The circle and protective web around the symbolic Earth symbolizes not only our human mother, but also our mother earth. The protective circle is contained within a larger circle depicting the young and the next to be born. The symbolic meaning reminds us of our inherent responsibility to Mother Earth, and that we pass this responsibility on to our children.
Earth Earth is one of the Four Elements of alchemy. Earth in the alchemical sense carries the archetypal properties of manifestation, birth, and material creation. It is associated with the operation of Conjunction and represented by the green ore of copper.
elementsElements The Four Elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water, with the addition of Ether, formed the Quintessence of Matter. They combined the four elements by way of the Sulfur, Salt and Spirit (Mercury) and sought to effect the transmutation of metals or the Quintessence of Matter. The meaning of this phrase is the intermingling of the four elements within the Ether structure, for example, the interactions of the four elements within an ethereal space-datum produced the Sulfur, Salt and Spirit.
Elven Star
Elven Star There is much meaning behind the septagram, or seven-pointed star, also known as the Elven Star or Faerie Star. Each point of the star has a meaning, and stories about the meanings vary depending on the storyteller. Seven has long been a magical or lucky number, so many like the elven star for it's seven points. There are seven wonders of the ancient world, seven visible colors in a rainbow, seven notes to a musical scale (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti), and seven levels of heaven. Additionally, there are seven chakras, or energy centers in the body, and seven days of the week. Seven represents universal balance. This is illustrated by the symbol for earth, a square with four sides, combined with the trinity, representing heaven. These are bound together in harmony, forming a seven-pointed star. In an elven star, this balance is symbolized by three over four, or heaven over earth. For some, the points represent the seven directions: north, south, east, west, above, below, and within. For others, it's the seven magical elements: earth, air, fire, water, life, light, and magic. Still others say it's inner and outer elements: earth, air, fire, water, heaven, earth and self.
Eye of Ra or Horus
Eye of Ra or Horus An Egyptian hieroglyph, called the Horus eye, for the eye of the sun god Horus. The Eye of Horus symbolizes protection and the bringing of wisdom. The eye also symbolizes our ability to see with clarity and truthfulness.
Fire Fire symbolizes the heart. Fire cleanses the spirit and sacred items before ceremonial use. Fire represents cleansing and renewal, for out of the ashes comes new growth, new thoughts, rebirth of ideas and new ways of being; the plant world regenerates itself in a healthy way from the ashes of the old. Fire acts as a Messenger.
frogFrog A symbol of fertility to many cultures. The Romans linked it to Aphrodite, the Egyptian to the shape-shifting goddess Heket who would take the form of a frog. To the Chinese, it symbolized the moon, the lunar, yin principle, bringing healing and prosperity. Since frogs need watery places, their image was often used in occult rain charms.
Gardnerian Pentagram
Gardnerian Pentagram There are different thoughts in Wicca regarding the Elements. Some hold to the earlier Greek conception of the classical elements of air, fire, water, and earth, while others recognize five elements: earth, air, water, fire, and spirit (akasha). It has been claimed that the points of the frequently worn pentagram symbol, the five pointed star, symbolise five elements. The pentacle, a five-pointed star inside a circle, is most often shown with its point facing upward. Many Wiccans believe that the upper point represents spirit, and the four remaining points symbolise earth, air, fire, and water, but others deny that the points of the pentagram or pentacle represent anything at all.
Green Man
Green Man The Green Man symbol or icon has many different faces and variations in many cultures around the world. The Green Man is often related to natural vegetative deities springing up in different cultures throughout the ages, but historically it has primarily been interpreted as a symbol of rebirth, or renaissance, representing the cycle of growth being reborn anew each spring.
hathorHathor Hathor, Goddess of the royal family, the sun, dancing, the arts, music, and the sky, was worshipped in pre-dynastic times in Egypt. Her name means House of Horus. Hathor is a mother-goddess like Isis. Hathor is often depicted as a cow bearing the sun disk on its head, or as a queenly woman with cow's ears and the sun disk on her head.
Hexagram The hexagram is a Mandala symbol called satkona yantra or sadkona yantra found on ancient South Indian Hindu temples built thousands of years ago. It symbolizes the Nara-Narayana, or perfect meditative state of balance achieved between Man and God, and if maintained, results in Moksha, or Nirvana — release from the bounds of the earthly world and its material trappings.
Horned God
Horned God Depicted as a circle with an upside down crescent moon placed on top, the Horned God represents the male aspect, or the masculine polarity of the universe in Wicca. In Wiccan theology, the Horned God represents sexuality, energy, and power however; he does not exploit these virtues but rather, denotes compassion and gentleness in a masculine manner. This symbol is also somestimes called the Green Man, or the Horned Moon. Cernunnos, the ancient Celtic horned deity that symbolizes the masculine power of nature is considered the original concept of the Wiccan Horned God.
Hecates Wheel
hecates wheelHecates Wheel This symbol is associated with the triple aspect of the Greek goddess Hecate. Considered a dark goddess by some, she rules over cross-roads and the Underworld. Hecate is also known as the Goddess of the Witches. This is not a common symbol among Wiccans, but you do see it occassionaly.
Horned Pentagram
horned pentagramHorned Pentagram A stylized representation of the Horned God or Mendes Goat, who in Wicca represents the masculine polarity of the universe. The horned god is the archetypal horned Shaman, related to the ancient Gods of vegetation and the hunt: Greek Pan, the Celtic Cernunnos, and the Egyptian Ammon. This symbol is sometimes referred to as the "horn moon," and as such, is also a symbol of the Goddess Diana, especially in Dianic Wicca.
Iron Cross
iron crossIron Cross Adopted as the Iron Cross in Prussia. During the First World War, it appeared on German fighter planes and tanks. Later, it became a fascist symbol in Germany, France, Portugal, and other nations.
Italian Horn
italian hornItalian Horn Cornu, Cornicello, Wiggly Horn, Unicorn horn, Lucifier's horn or Leprechaun staff, call it as you like. This ancient magical charm or amulet worn in Italy as a protection against "evil eye" has also been linked to Celtic and Druid myths and beliefs. Other superstitions link it to sexual power and good luck. This Italian symbol is also the sign of the goat and means cuckold or in Italian, cornutto. It means that a man's wife is sleeping around.
Lightning Bolt
lightning boltLightning Bolt In ancient mythologies from many cultures: Norse, Roman, Greek, Native American, the lighting bolt would be hurled by male sky gods to punish, water, or fertilize the earth or its creatures. Navajo myths linked it to the Thunderbird, the symbol of salvation and divine gifts.
lizardLizard In Roman mythology the lizard was thought to sleep throughout the winter and thus it came to symbolize death and resurrection. Throughout the Mediterranean the lizard is fondly regarded as an old family friend. For the Greeks and the Egyptians, the lizard represented divine wisdom and good fortune. In Egyptian hieroglyphics the lizard is used to depict plentiful or many.
Lucifers Sigil
lucifersigilLucifers Sigil A lesser known historical magical sigil used occasionally as an emblem by modern Satanists. The image originates in the sixteenth century Italian Grimoirium Verum, or Grimoire of Truth. Used in conjunction with other symbols, the original purpose of the sigil was to aid in a visual invocation of the angel Lucifer.
Magic Mirror
magic mirrorMagic Mirror Magic mirrors are used for scrying: foretelling the future, solving problems, answering questions, etc. Scrying is an ancient art of clairvoyance wherein results are achieved by concentrating upon an object — usually one with a shiny surface — until visions appear. The term scrying comes from the English words descry which means to make out dimly or to reveal. Magic mirrors are often decorated with magic signs during full moon rituals.
mandalaMandala A mandala is used to refer to the personal world in which one lives and the various elements of the mandala or the activities and interests in which one engages, with the most important being at the center of the mandala and the least important at the periphery.
Mano Cornuto
mano cornutoMano Cornuto In modern Italy the horns are deviously placed behind someone's head or pointed at a person with the conveyed meaning being that this person is being cheated on by his wife or her husband. The Italian cornuto translates literally to having horns, but figuratively means the person is a cuckold, literally, "a man whose wife has sexual relations with someone else". The gesture is also common in Spain, Colombia, Portugal, Brazil, Albania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Greece and has the same meaning in all of these countries.
Mano Fico
manoficoMano Fico Mano Fico, or literally fig hand is an ancient obscene gesture and one of the better known protective gestures against the evil eye. The thumb and fist gesture is an ancient representation of sexual union. The gesture is used against the evil eye because some believe an obscenity serves as a distraction to evil.
Masonic Compass
Masonic Compass The Masonic symbols of the square and the compass represent the pagan deities of the female Isis and the male Osiris. The dual principle of "male" and "female" is represented by the "square and compass." The "compass" represents OSIRIS, the male god of the Egyptians, while the "square" is the symbol representing ISIS, the female goddess of Egypt — both are sexual symbols.
Monad Monad, a word with Greek roots, according to the Pythagoreans, was a term for God or the first being, or the totality of all beings. Monad being the source or the One meaning without division.
Paleolithic Goddess
Paleolithic Goddess This Paleolithic Goddess symbol is a simplified silhouette of a paleolithic Egyptian mother Goddess, probably a prototype of the Goddess Isis, and often used to symbolize the Lady, the feminine deity or goddess of Wicca.
Pentacle A circle around a pentagram contains and protects. In union, the pentagram and circle symbolize eternity and infinity — the cycles of life and nature. The circled pentagram is a passive form of implying spiritual containment of the magic circle, the traditional secrecy of witchcraft, and the personal, individual nature and non-proselytising character of the pagan religious path.
necronomiconNecromicon The Necronomicon Gate Symbol, or Sigil, is often said to be the actual symbol that appears on the cover of the infamous Necronomicon book. The symbol is also commonly referred to as the Sigil of the Gate or the Gate of Yog-Sohoth. There are actually three sigils that have been combined to form this seal. The symbol or emblem is believed to harness great occult forces and bring protection to the wearer. Spelwerx takes the position that this symbol is a false sigil usually found on the cover of an edition of the legendary, but fake Necronomicon, a falsified grimoire based on the work of horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft.
Seal of Saturn
Seal of Saturn The Seal of Saturn dates to medieval times and is based on the magic square of Saturn, an ancient table of numbers believed to contain the magical essence of Saturn. Saturn in ritual magic represents the forces of containment, definition, limit, time, death, and stagnation.
Seax Wica
Seax Wica The emblem of an Anglo-Saxon influenced branch of Wicca, Seax Wica (the only tradition that uses the old Wica instead of Wicca), a solitary wiccan tradition, symbolizes the sun, moon, and the eight Sabbats, or holy days.
Solar Cross
Solar Cross The solar cross is probably the most ancient spiritual symbol in the world. It has been familiarly represented in Asian, American, European, and Indian religious art forms since the dawn of history. Formed of a equal armed cross within a circle, it represents the solar calendar — the movements of the sun marked by the solstices.
trinacriaTrinacria The symbol of Trinacria is well-known today because of its presence on the flags of Sicily and the Isle of Man. The Romans called it Triquetra (triangle) referring to the shape of the island of Sicily, while the Greeks used the word Tryskelion (three legs). The name Trinacria comes from the word trinacrios, which in Greek means triangle. The oldest theory of its meaning says that it is a Phoenician term of religious significance related to the Semitic god Baal (a trinity god) and that the three legs in running position meant the racing of time in the cycle of nature.
Triple Crescent Goddess
Triple Crescent Goddess There are several styles of the Lunar Triple Goddess symbol, but all represent the three aspects of the moon — waxing, waning, and full — and womankind — mother, maiden, crone — as well as the Lady, or Goddess, the feminine polarity of the universe.
Triple Fish Triquetra
triple fish triquetraTriple Fish Triquetra The triquetra or triqueta is a tripartate symbol composed of three interlocked vesica pisces, marking the intersection of three circles. Although it is often asserted that the triquetra is a symbol of a tripartite goddess, no such goddess has been identified with the symbol. Similar symbols do occur in some Norse and Celtic goddess imagery, but most likely represents the divisions of the animal kingdom and the three domains of earth mentioned above.
Triple Moon Goddess
Triple Moon Goddess The Triple Moon Goddess symbol represents the Maiden, Mother, and Crone as the waxing, full, and waning moon. This symbol is also associated with feminine energy, mystery, and psychic abilities. There exists a cross association and transformation within this symbol as the triple goddess is a maiden during the waxing moon, mother during the full moon, and crone during the waning moon. The maiden is innocent and young, the mother fertile and loving, yet a fierce protector of her young and the crone is old and wise, but also the gateway to death.
Triquetra - Triqueta
Triquetra - Triqueta The triqueta symbolizes the triple aspected goddess as maid, mother, and crone. While Christians have protested the Wiccan "appropriation" of this symbol, ironically, the original Christian fish symbol was derived from an early symbol of venus, one representing female generative organs, which makes the triquetra a perfect symbol for a Goddess revival. The triquetra is also considered to represnt the triplicities of mind, body, and soul, as well as the three domains of earth according to Celtic legend: earth, sea, and sky.
Unicursal Hexagram
Unicursal Hexagram The Unicursal Hexagram symbolizes the union of the man with the divine. This six-pointed star represents above and below, a place where human and divine are One. The Unicursal Hexagram is particularly used by those practicing Thelema and Golden Dawn traditions. While Alastair Crowley always claimed to be the originator of the symbol, research has proven otherwise.
Wand The wand is a ritual tool used by Wiccans and Ritual magicians. Symbolically, the Wand represents the element of fire and sometimes, air. The magic wand employed by stage magicians is based on this tool. The suit of wands in a Tarot deck also reflects this meaning, where wands or clubs symbolize spiritual force.
Water This alchemical symbol for water is an inverted triangle, symbolizing downward flow. In magic formed from ancient beliefs and practices the downward pointing triangle is an ancient symbol of femininity, representing the female genitalia. As an alchemical element, water has the properties of cold and moist, and symbolizes intuition, the unconscious mind, and the enclosing, generating forces of the womb.
Wheel of the Year
Wheel of the Year The eight-pointed Wheel of the Year symbol represents the points of the important holy days or Sabbats in the Wiccan Ritual calendar. The Wheel of the Year is derived from the sun wheel, or solar cross, a pre-Christian European calendar marking the Solstices and Equinoxes.
Witch Sign
witch signWitch Sign The Witch's Sign is used in some witchcraft and Wiccan traditions to mark ritual tools. While it is similar to the solar cross, its exact origin is unknown. The mark is similar to the Roman numeral thirteen and it has been suggested that the Witch's Sign may represent a coven of thirteen members (the preferred number).
World Tree
World Tree of the Druids The World Tree or Tree of Life concept is found in many cultures worldwide, including the ancient Celtic people's system of beliefs. The tree reflects a link between the upper and lower worlds and as Britain was once covered by huge oak forests, tree reverence as a major feature of the Celtic religion seems only natural. The World Tree or Tree of Life is most often regarded as an all-nourishing, all-giving Mother. Many tales of folklore and mythology tell of the Tree of Life or World Tree as being involved in the creation of the universe.
Book of Shadows
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Symbols - Symbolism - Sigils

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